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An acute viral disease with mild constitutional symptoms followed by an eruption appearing in crops and characterized by macules, papules, vesicles, and crusting.


Chickenpox and herpes zoster (shingles) are different manifestations of infection with the same virus.


Headache, fever, malaise to begin with, then about 24-36 hours later, small round "pimples" appear on the torso, face, and body. Filled with fluid, they look like water blisters. The fluid dislodges from the swollen areas of skin and forms a crust. These eruptions will continue in cycles lasting from 3 days to a week. The blisters and crusts are infectious and very itchy. See that the child does not scratch them, as this could lead to infection and scaring. Keep the child's nails short and clean, and bathe the child often. Important to keep infected children away from the elderly. When the scabs are gone, it is no longer infectious. One bout with chickenpox usually gives lifetime immunity against the disease.


Herbal Medicine Formulas and Recipes
Chinese Formulas
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Dosages are for adults, adjust dosages for children (age, weight, etc.). Check with the doctor if unfamiliar with dosage adjustment for children. Beta-carotene, 15,000 IU per day, helps heal tissues and stimulates the immune system. Vitamin A capsules or emulsion, 20,000 IU capsules per day for 1 month, or 100,000 IU per day for 1 week, then decreasing to 75,000 IU for 1 week, is an immunostimulant that aids in healing of tissues. Vitamin C, taken as directed on the label, is a powerful immune stimulant that aids in keeping down fever. Vitamin E, 400-600 IU per day, is a powerful free radical scavenger that carries oxygen and promotes healing. Potassium, 99 mg. per day, is needed for fever and quicker healing. Zinc, 80 mg. per day, is needed for fever and quicker healing. Raw thymus glandular, taken as directed on the label, stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes by the thymus gland and is needed for immune function.


  • TB
    • Catnip, tea to drink
    • Clover, red
    • Ginger
    • Goldenseal
    • Pau d'arco
    • Yarrow


    Take hot baths using tea prepared with some of the recommended herbs. Sponge the affected area with the tea. Wet compresses help to control the itching; use as often as needed. Avoid scratching the spots. Give infants and older people catnip tea sweetened with molasses to drink. Do not give any cow's milk or formula to infants while feverish. Use pure, fresh juices instead, dilute the juice with water. Give infants lots of water. Consult the doctor! Give ginger baths using cool water. When the fever drops and the appetite returns, give only mashed bananas; avocados; raw, fresh applesauce; or yogurt. Do not eat cooked or processed foods.


    If the sores become infected, an antibiotic ointment is usually prescribed. See the doctor. Drink pure fruit and vegetable juices or vegetable broth. Do not use cortisone during chickenpox. Swelling can result around the larynx and cause serious problems.

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